矢萩 竜太郎
Ryotaro Yahagi
- 2011
- 即興Session(いずるば)
- 2014
- 「矢萩竜太郎10番勝負!」いずるば6公演、ドイツ各地で4公演
共演: 齋藤徹、ジャン・サスポータス、喜多直毅 他
- 2015
- 「徹・庄﨑・竜太郎 エアジンの四季」(ライブハウス横濱エアジン)
共演: 齋藤徹、 庄﨑隆志、 ジャン・サスポータス
- 2016
- 竜太郎エアジンの四季 2巡目 (ライブハウス横濱エアジン)
共演: 齋藤徹、 庄﨑隆志、かみむら泰一
- 2017
- アール・ブリュットフォーラムでのオープニングアクト(北海道、岩見沢)
共演: 齋藤徹、ジャン・サスポータス
- 2018
- 信濃の国原始感覚美術祭2018 (信濃講堂)
共演: 齋藤徹、久田舜一郎、ザイ・クーニン
- 2018
- 「いずるばフェスティバル」(いずるば)
- 2019
- 「いずるばフェスティバル」(いずるば)
- 2019
- 喜多直毅クアルテット with 矢萩竜太郎 Special Session (いずるば)
共演: 喜多直毅クアルテット
- 2020
- 喜多直毅クアルテット・矢萩竜太郎 Special Session (第Q藝術)
共演: 喜多直毅クアルテット
- 2021
- ソロ公演「光の庭」(いずるば)
- 2021
- Dance Vision 2021 feat. 齋藤 徹「ツ・ナ・ゲ・タ・ヒ・ト」 (アトリエ第Q藝術)
- ヴォルフガング・シュタンゲ
- ロンドン在住、舞踊教育家
- 岩下徹
- 山海塾舞踏手、即興ダンサー、日本ダンスセラピー協会顧問、桜美林大学・滋賀県立総合保健専門学校非常勤講師
- 高田豪
- NPO法人東京賢治シュタイナー学校演劇専科講師、都留文科大学非常勤講師
- 巻上公一
- 超歌唱家、ソングライター、詩人、プロデューサー
- 齋藤徹
- 音楽家、コントラバス奏者
- ジャン・サスポータス
- ダンサー、振付家、演出家
- 喜多直毅
- 音楽家、ヴァイオリニスト
- 庄﨑隆志
- 俳優、演出家、ダンサー
- かみむら泰一
- サックス奏者、作曲家
- 久田舜一郎
- 小鼓
- ザイ・クーニン
- シャーマン、彫刻家、インスタレーション作家、音楽家
- 「ダンスとであって」(近藤真左典監督)
- 「ぼくのからだはこういうこと」(近藤真左典監督)
岩下 徹
Toru Iwashita
国際的な舞踏集団<山海塾>ダンサー。ソロ活動では<交感(コミュニケーション)としての即興ダンス>の可能性を追求。1957 年東京生まれ。
82~85 年石井満隆ダンスワークショップで即興を学び、83 年ソロ活動開始。かつて精神的危機から自分のからだを再確認することで立ち直ったという経験を原点とするソロダンスは、等身大のからだひとつで立つことから始まり、場との交感から生まれる即興として踊られる。
82~85 年石井満隆ダンスワークショップで即興を学び、83 年ソロ活動開始。かつて精神的危機から自分のからだを再確認することで立ち直ったという経験を原点とするソロダンスは、等身大のからだひとつで立つことから始まり、場との交感から生まれる即興として踊られる。
齋藤 徹
Tetsu Saitoh
1955-2019. Born in Tokyo, Japan and heavily influenced by dance, Butoh, theatre, fine art, film, song, writing, Japanese folk music, Gagaku, Noh theatre, Western classical music, modern music, Tango music of Astor Piazolla, free improvisation, and Korean-Asian shamanism. Eurasian Echoes is a work connecting the cultures of Asia and Europe and was performed in Japan, Korea, and Singapore.Ombak Hitam was an event produced for the opening ceremony of the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum and the Za-Koenji Public Theatre in Tokyo. In 1994 he was invited to the International Contrabass Festival in Avignon, France. Since then, he has frequently visited Europe and performed with artists such as Michel Doneda and Barre Phillips. He was asked by the Kanagawa Philharmonic to compose and perform two double concerti. Additionally, he made five television programs about improvisation for Japanese public broadcaster NHK. He has also judged dance events, been a guest lecturer at Sophia and Waseda Universities, and performed and led workshops together with disabled performing artists. He has been a featured performer and led workshops at Contrabass Festivals around the world. In 2007 he founded the label Travessia which as of 2016 has produced 20 CDs and DVDs.
web site
1955-2019. Born in Tokyo, Japan and heavily influenced by dance, Butoh, theatre, fine art, film, song, writing, Japanese folk music, Gagaku, Noh theatre, Western classical music, modern music, Tango music of Astor Piazolla, free improvisation, and Korean-Asian shamanism. Eurasian Echoes is a work connecting the cultures of Asia and Europe and was performed in Japan, Korea, and Singapore.Ombak Hitam was an event produced for the opening ceremony of the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum and the Za-Koenji Public Theatre in Tokyo. In 1994 he was invited to the International Contrabass Festival in Avignon, France. Since then, he has frequently visited Europe and performed with artists such as Michel Doneda and Barre Phillips. He was asked by the Kanagawa Philharmonic to compose and perform two double concerti. Additionally, he made five television programs about improvisation for Japanese public broadcaster NHK. He has also judged dance events, been a guest lecturer at Sophia and Waseda Universities, and performed and led workshops together with disabled performing artists. He has been a featured performer and led workshops at Contrabass Festivals around the world. In 2007 he founded the label Travessia which as of 2016 has produced 20 CDs and DVDs.
web site
Jean LaurentSasportes
モンペリエでアン・マリー・ポラスのもとモダンジャズダンスを、パリでピーター・ゴスのもとモダンダンスを始め、ダンサーとダンス教師のディプロマを取得。1979年、ヴッパタールのピナ・バウシュ・カンパニーのソロダンサーとして活動を開始。世界中の劇場で踊り続け、ピナの代表作 「カフェ・ミュラー」の公演数は35年間にわたり400回を越える。
1998年以降、 ヨーロッパと日本において多くの振付作品を発表する。代表作は 「Looking for Kenji」「うたをさがしてオペリータ」「私の城」「Am Anfang war das Chaos」。
「カフェ・アダ・ダンスシアター」 主宰。オペラの演出・振付も行う。また、俳優としても多くの映画に出演する。ペドロ・アルモドバル監督作品「Talk to Her」(アカデミー賞受賞)では「世界で一番哀しい顔の男」と評される。
Born in Casablanca, Morocco in 1952.Studied mathematics, physics and philosophy in Marseille.
Began modern jazz dance in Montpelier (with Anne Marie Porras), and then modern dance in Paris (with Peter Goss), where he received a diploma as a dancer and dance teacher.In 1979, he began his career as a solo dancer with the Pina Bausch Company in Wuppertal, performing in theater around the world. He performed Pina’s masterpiece ‘Café Müller’ over 400 times in 35 years.
From 1997 to 2017, he participated as a guest soloist in repertory productions.In 1989, he began collaborating with many musicians in dance and improvisation.
In Japan mister Takashi Ito (director of the Session House in Tokyo) introduce him to composer and double bassist Tetsu Saitoh, with whom he presented collaborative duo performances in over 15 cities across Japan.Jean and Tetsu Saitoh created a platform for cultural exchange between European and Japanese artists.
since 1998, he has presented many choreographic works in Europe and Japan. His representative works include ‘Looking for Kenji’, ‘Uta wo Sagashite Operita’, ‘My Castle’, and ‘Am Anfang war das Chaos’.
He is the director of Café Ada Dance Theater.He also directs and choreographs operas and appears in films as an actor. In Pedro Almodóvar’s Academy Award-winning film ‘Talk to Her’, his performance was well-received as ‘the dancer with the saddest face in the world’.
Since 1985, he has studied ‘Kinomichi’ derived from ‘Aikido’ and teaches at his own dojo in Wuppertal. Since 2000, he has been teaching floor and standing bodywork to people around the world, from professional dancers to those with disabilities.
モンペリエでアン・マリー・ポラスのもとモダンジャズダンスを、パリでピーター・ゴスのもとモダンダンスを始め、ダンサーとダンス教師のディプロマを取得。1979年、ヴッパタールのピナ・バウシュ・カンパニーのソロダンサーとして活動を開始。世界中の劇場で踊り続け、ピナの代表作 「カフェ・ミュラー」の公演数は35年間にわたり400回を越える。
1998年以降、 ヨーロッパと日本において多くの振付作品を発表する。代表作は 「Looking for Kenji」「うたをさがしてオペリータ」「私の城」「Am Anfang war das Chaos」。
「カフェ・アダ・ダンスシアター」 主宰。オペラの演出・振付も行う。また、俳優としても多くの映画に出演する。ペドロ・アルモドバル監督作品「Talk to Her」(アカデミー賞受賞)では「世界で一番哀しい顔の男」と評される。
Born in Casablanca, Morocco in 1952.Studied mathematics, physics and philosophy in Marseille.
Began modern jazz dance in Montpelier (with Anne Marie Porras), and then modern dance in Paris (with Peter Goss), where he received a diploma as a dancer and dance teacher.In 1979, he began his career as a solo dancer with the Pina Bausch Company in Wuppertal, performing in theater around the world. He performed Pina’s masterpiece ‘Café Müller’ over 400 times in 35 years.
From 1997 to 2017, he participated as a guest soloist in repertory productions.In 1989, he began collaborating with many musicians in dance and improvisation.
In Japan mister Takashi Ito (director of the Session House in Tokyo) introduce him to composer and double bassist Tetsu Saitoh, with whom he presented collaborative duo performances in over 15 cities across Japan.Jean and Tetsu Saitoh created a platform for cultural exchange between European and Japanese artists.
since 1998, he has presented many choreographic works in Europe and Japan. His representative works include ‘Looking for Kenji’, ‘Uta wo Sagashite Operita’, ‘My Castle’, and ‘Am Anfang war das Chaos’.
He is the director of Café Ada Dance Theater.He also directs and choreographs operas and appears in films as an actor. In Pedro Almodóvar’s Academy Award-winning film ‘Talk to Her’, his performance was well-received as ‘the dancer with the saddest face in the world’.
Since 1985, he has studied ‘Kinomichi’ derived from ‘Aikido’ and teaches at his own dojo in Wuppertal. Since 2000, he has been teaching floor and standing bodywork to people around the world, from professional dancers to those with disabilities.